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Labor Protection

The labor safety regulations at the Juliette mine

1. The Juliette mine structure consists of the following departments and divisions:
Ohr_truda.JPG- Management Apparatus
- Chief Engineer's Office
- Gold Recovery Plant;
- Underground Division;
- Surface Division
- Electric Division;
- Supply Department
- Geological and Surveying Department
- Exploration Division 

For the purposes of controlling and providing compliance with the requirements of labor protection there is Labor Protection Service established at the Juliette mine.
Labor Protection Service is represented by two engineers of industrial and labor safety related to Chief Engineer’s Officer.

2. Hazardous industrial facilities
There are 11 hazardous industrial facilities registered in the State Register of Hazardous industrial facilities in accordance with the Federal Law on Industrial safety of hazardous facilities at the Juliette mine.

3. Liability insurance
The Agreement on liability insurance of hazardous facilities exploitation for infliction of harm of life and bodily injury or infliction of harm of property of other persons and environment in the case of accident at the hazardous industrial facility.

4. License operations
The licenses for types of operations which subject to licensing according to the Federal Law on Industrial safety of hazardous facilities in compliance with the Legislation of the Russian Federation

5. Measures of Improvement of labor protection conditions financing 
Funds in the amount of 4 316 966 18 kop were invested in measures of improvement of labor protection conditions
6. Providing working cloth, shoes and other individual protective gear
Employees of JV CJSC Omsukchan Geological and Mining Company are provided with working cloth, shoes and other individual protective gear that meets requirements stated in Labor Code of the Russian Federation and regulations on providing workers with working cloth, shoes and other individual protective gear

7. Assessment of workplaces with respect to working conditions
JV CJSC Omsukchan Geological and Mining Company carries out assessment of workplaces with respect to working conditions. The first stage of the assessment of 46 workplaces of underground division and gold recovery plant was conducted in 2009. The second stage will accomplish procedure of assessment of 86 workplaces with respect to working conditions.

8. Carrying out preliminary medical examination (upon entering employment) and carrying out standard medical examination from time to time during working activity.
All employees of Omsukchan Geological and Mining Company attend the obligate preliminary and standard medical examination in Magadan district hospital according to the Agreement № 02/10 dated 11th of January 2010. Workers are engaged in heightened danger operations attend an obligate medical examination prior the shift beginning in medical health post acting on the basis of license for medical activity at the Juliette mine.

9. Training and providing labor safety briefing
All employees upon entering employment are provided with labor protection briefing and basic fire safety briefing is carried out by engineers of Fire Safety Department and Labor Safety Department.
Managers and specialists of JV CJSC Omsukchan Geological and Mining Company attend labor safety training in Magadan polytechnic college. In 2009 7 people attended the training.                      
10. Retrieving rope mine-rescue crew
The mine-rescue crew established at the Juliette mine for accident rescue operations and other emergency situations

11. Industrial injuries and occupational diseases
In 2009 three not serious accidents took place with underground division workers and two cases of occupational disease of underground division workers were identified
12. Measures planning regarding improvement of labor safety conditions, industrial injuries and occupational diseases decreasing
Measures plane for providing industrial safety upon hazardous facilities exploitation was developed for 2010.